Python - secret.latest()

Returns a reference to the latest version of a secret, regardless of that version's ID.

from nitric.resources import secret

# Get latest secret version
latest = secret("database.password").allow('accessing').latest()


latest() is most useful when you always want the most recent secret values from the secrets manager. Database credentials and API keys are good examples of secrets where the latest value is usually what you want.

For symmetric encryption, you'll need to retrieve the version of the secret used to encrypt a value when you try to decrypt it again. In those cases latest() isn't a good choice, use version() instead.


Get a reference to the latest secret version

from nitric.resources import secret

latest = secret("database.password").allow('accessing').latest()

Access the latest value of a secret

from nitric.resources import secret

latest = secret("database.password").allow('accessing').latest()

value = await latest.access()